Achieving Your Weight Loss Goals

How ESG Offers a Minimally Invasive Path to Weight Loss

For individuals struggling with obesity, a non-surgical procedure that has minimal recovery time, fewer complications and promises significant weight loss has emerged. Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty is making waves in the field of bariatric medicine by offering an alternative to traditional surgical approaches.

What is ESG and how does it work?

Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty (ESG) is a non-surgical procedure designed to reduce stomach volume without incisions. Using an endoscope, a thin tube with a camera and stitching device, your doctor places sutures along your stomach, creating a smaller, sleeve-like shape. This procedure reduces stomach volume by up to 80%. This procedure leads to earlier satiety by increasing hormones like GLP-1 and PYY, hormones that tell your brain when you’re full. ESG also slows the emptying of the stomach, keeping you feeling full for longer, reducing cravings and overall calorie intake.

What are the advantages of ESG over traditional surgery?

What sets ESG apart from other surgical weight loss procedures is its many advantages, including:

  • Minimally invasive: No incisions mean faster recovery, less pain and lower risk of complications.
  • Shorter hospital stays: Most patients go home the same day of the procedure.
  • Faster return to work: Get back to your daily routine within a few days.
  • Fewer complications: ESG boasts a significantly lower complication rate compared to traditional surgery.
  • Potential for greater weight loss: Studies show ESG can lead to similar or even better weight loss than gastric sleeve surgery.
  • Reversible: Unlike most weight loss surgeries, ESG is reversible if desired.

Who is a suitable candidate for ESG?

ESG is suitable for a wider range of patients than traditional surgery. If you have a BMI between 30 and 50 and haven’t achieved lasting weight loss through diet and exercise, you might be a good candidate. Preliminary studies even suggest positive outcomes for patients that have a BMI over 50. Additionally, ESG is particularly valuable for patients with prior abdominal surgeries, as it avoids the complications associated with additional surgical interventions.

What lifestyle changes need to be made before and after ESG?

While ESG is a powerful tool, it’s not a magic bullet. ESG doesn’t impose any dietary restrictions but does require a commitment to healthy lifestyle changes. This includes a balanced diet, regular exercise and check-ins with your healthcare team. At Endeavor Health, your healthcare team will provide you with dietary counseling, exercise guidance and mental health support before and after ESG so you experience long-term success.

What results can one expect after ESG?

Realistic outcomes include a 50% loss of excess weight or 20-25% of total body weight. Beyond weight loss, ESG has shown to cause significant improvement in diabetes, high blood pressure, reflux and sleep apnea, with some patients experiencing complete resolution of these conditions.

ESG is a safe, effective and revolutionary weight loss procedure for individuals struggling with obesity. Learn more about ESG and other weight loss options or call 847-444-5300.