
Understanding and Preparing for a Colonoscopy

When it comes to getting a colonoscopy, some people may be anxious about the procedure. The truth is that colonoscopies are routine, safe and fairly quick. Most importantly, colonoscopies save lives through the prevention and early detection of colon cancer.

Colon cancer is the fourth most common cancer in men and women in the United States, with 5% of the population affected. It is recommended that all adults starting at the age of 45 undergo regular colonoscopies. The age has recently been lowered from 50 due to an increase in young-onset colon cancer. If you have a family history of colon cancer or polyps, certain genetic mutations or inflammatory bowel disease, like Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis, your doctor may recommend a colonoscopy sooner than 45.

Undergoing a colonoscopy is a safe medical procedure that involves the use of a flexible rubber tube (colonoscope) equipped with a camera to examine the large intestine, also known as the colon. This procedure aims to detect colon cancer and can prevent colon cancer from happening in the first place by identifying and removing precancerous polyps from people that may have them. This test makes colon cancer one of the few preventable cancers.

Preparation for a colonoscopy typically involves a liquid diet and laxatives the day before to clear your colon. Your doctor will provide specific instructions, including whether any medications need to be adjusted. Your colonoscopy will be performed in an outpatient setting and takes approximately 20-30 minutes. You will be sedated for the procedure to ensure that you are as comfortable as possible. Your doctor will insert the colonoscope through your rectum and gently navigate it through your colon, looking for polyps, which can be removed during the procedure, and any other abnormalities.

After the procedure, you can resume normal activities the following day. Your doctor will let you know if any abnormalities were found. Biopsies or polyps that are removed are sent to a lab for review. You will typically receive final results within a week and discuss next steps with your doctor, if needed.

Endeavor Health offers colonoscopy services with a focus on compassionate and safe care. Our network of hospitals and physicians strives to make your experience as comfortable and positive as possible. To schedule your colonoscopy, make an appointment online or call 847-618-9550.